
Welcome to the vSelf Documentation Page!

This space is organized as follows:

  • Getting started - introduction to the project

  • vSelf functionality - key functional components of vSelf

💚 What is vSelf

Problem: vSelf focuses on the lack of real ownership and portability of the personal data and credentials for users and the dependence of businesses on big tech companies for data processing. We narrowed down this problem to the inefficiency of particular data pipelines in web3, where we see a gap between issued attributes for digital identities and the ability to utilize them as web3 CV for funding, gated access, or talent acquisition.

Solution: What we propose is an IDaaS platform that allows users to manage their digital provenance on their side, making it composable and portable, and to connect with organizations in a trustful way. Companies, on their side, get a tool to mark any significant event of their interaction with users with a digital certificate and set up incentives.

vSelf is in MVP stage that is live on NEAR mainnet. It is built for the workflow, where each digital certificate has a non-transferable NFT standard. It has several key elements:

  1. Web3 Studio - to set up and manage collections of NFT rewards that can be distributed through QR codes or claimable links.

  2. Identity Wallet - web and mobile applications to collect and manage personal provenance of NFT rewards.

  3. vRanda - public profile, where users can present their digital identity with text description, links, and NFT rewards collections.

Our goal is to bring the benefits of the blockchain world to the general public and make web3 products more inclusive and user-friendly. Feel free to reach out to us at info@vself.app or join our Telegram group.

Last updated