NEAR onboarding

Create NEAR account with vSelf Onboard function

vSelf is built on the NEAR protocol and uses its system of authentication. In NEAR, users have human-readable names as addresses, similar to handlers on social networks. To know more about the NEAR account system, check out the article.

If you don't have an account on NEAR or have only an implicit one (e.g. 98793cd91a3f870fb126f662858[...]), you can easily create it with our onboarding system.

Follow the steps:

  1. Go to vSelf Onboard page directly or choose Products/Onboarding to NEAR from our main page.

  2. In the onboarding form, you will see detailed instructions on the account name format. Type in the name that you want to create (e.g., bestnearuser.near). Note that any account name should end with .near and be between 3 and 64 characters. It can’t contain characters "@" or "."

  3. Once you’ve chosen the preferred name, press “Claim NEAR account”. If the name is already taken, you will see an error message. In this case, return to Step 2 and try a different one.

    When your account is created, you get a confirmation message.

  4. Now comes the most important step: save your seed phrase. This phrase is your password to the NEAR account on all compatible applications. Your seed phrase also should be available in the downloaded txt file in the "Downloads" folder. In NEAR, no one is keeping a copy of your seed phrase. If it is lost, you won’t be able to recover it. Write it down on paper and store it in a safe place, or choose your own way to keep it.

  5. Now you’re all set! This pair - NEAR account and seed phrase - will allow you to access your NEAR account from any applications and wallets that use it. To sign in to vSelf and use its products, click the “Sign In” button and follow the instructions from the next section.

Last updated