vSelf Sign In

Authorization using NEAR account

vSelf allows authenticating with a community-curated list of wallets native to the NEAR ecosystem. You can use the “Sign In” button on the onboarding page or at the upper right corner of any vSelf screen.

  1. To sign in, we will redirect you to the wallet selector modal, where you choose a wallet that you trust to manage your account (more information on these wallets can be found below in this section). By default, it suggests signing in with MyNearWallet.

    Note that it’s also possible to sign out once you have logged in. In case you don’t have a NEAR account, follow our free onboarding process from the previous section and claim your account.

  2. In the wallet, choose the “Import Account” option and go to “Passphrase” method of authorization. It will remember your choice for further interactions.

  3. Type your sees phrase consisting of 12 words with spaces between them. You will see your NEAR account name.

  4. When authorization is successful, you will see your NEAR account name in the upper right corner of the vSelf pages.

NEAR Wallets.

Currently, we support four different wallets (which you will be redirected to for sign-in flow)

  1. NearWallet is a legacy solution by a NEAR foundation which is kept until the transition to MyNearWallet is adopted. (most existing NEAR users would have at least one account managed there)

  2. MyNearWallet is a newer and fancier version of NearWallet, i.e. developed by the same team. This is the recommended way as it’s well-tested and user-friendly.

  3. Ledger is a well-known battle-tested hardware wallet for more experienced users.

  4. The sender is a new wallet in the NEAR ecosystem implemented as a Chrome browser extension (Metamask-like experience)


Last updated