Community roles & rights & reputation
Status: in development
Community roles
Each community member has a role in this community. This role defines the member rights. It means the set of actions are available to use for this member (let’s call her an actor) inside the community. We propose the hierarchic roles division, which consists of the following roles:
The option to create the new role and set up custom access rights is the topic of our future marketing research and implementation.
Features & access rights
Here is the list of functionalities available in the community toolkit and access rights for the each functionality according the actor’s role:
Create the community (the actor who creates the community, automatically stays the community member and receives the owner role)
Modify the community general information & settings (available for the owner only)
Manage the members’ roles (the actor’s role should be higher then this member’s role)
Upgrade member’s role (the new role should be lower then the actor’s role)
Downgrade member’s role (this member’s role should be lower then the actor’s role)
Manage membership list (available for the moderator role or higher)
Add new member (this member receives the participant role)
Remove member (the actor’s role should be higher then this member’s role)
Manage join request (for close communities, available for the moderator role or higher)
Approve request (the new member receives participant role)
Reject request
Create the Verifiable Credential or SBT shame (available for the administrator & owner)
Issue Verifiable Credential or mint SBT from the existing shame (available for the administrator & owner)
Set up the new voting (available for the moderator role or higher)
Set up the question & answers available to choose
Set up the minimal role for the participation
Participate in the voting (available for any role, which is satisfied the voting settings)
Communicate with other members through ChatMe (available for any member)
Leave the community (available for any member)
Disclose the personality (available for any private member of the private community)
Reputation system
Each new community member receives the default reputation rating. Members are able to increase their rating by their actions or achievements inside the community. The reputation calculates automatically according the community settings. We propose the several components to set up the reputation system. The owner is able to define the income value for each of these components:
Community role
Number of owned SBTs minted by the community
Number of owned Verifiable Credentials issued by the community
Participation in the community voting
The flexible decentralized reputation system based on the social graph and global history inside the ecosystem is the important topic of our future R&D.
Last updated