Status: ready to use
Getting started
We provide the statistics of users' activities within (ready to use) and outside (in development) the single collection. For now, such analytics is available on the public collection page. Users can find their collections in the Collection dashboard. The dashboard for NEAR-based version is available here, and for Camino-based version - here. In the future, we will also provide an API for this functionality.
Collection activity logs
Collection activity logs consist of all requests for rewards. Each request consists of the user NEAR account, reward code and timestamp (UTC) of this request. Also, we provide the list of unique users who claimed the reward.
General activity (in development)
We are going to provide more complex activities inside the single collection, such as traction of a given activity config or construction of the activity config for a given user. Also, we plan to provide user analytics according to received rewards hashtags and personal progress as an ambassador of the different marketing campaigns.
Last updated